Year Groups

Each of our year groups is led by an enthusiastic and dedicated Head of Year. They, along with their team of form tutors, work to support and enhance every aspect of our students' education here at St. James'.

This is achieved through working collectively to monitor the attitudes and behaviour of our students. Concerns are addressed as they are identified whilst ensuring that achievements are fully recognised and rewarded, not only within the year group but also the wider school community.

The work of the year  teams is further enhanced by our Assistant Heads of Year, Mentors and Mental Health First Aiders.

Year 7

I am absolutely delighted to be the Head of Year 7 and I am honoured to lead the year group through the next chapter in their education. As  Head of Year, it is my role to support, encourage and monitor our Year 7 students to ensure that they make progress both academically and personally. 

I very much look forward to supporting each and every student in order to achieve his or her full potential. I expect them to maintain high standards of behaviour and enthusiasm for their learning as they move forward with new and exciting challenges.

I am part of a larger team that is here to support all Year 7 students including the team of form tutors who are your first point of contact.

I aim to foster a positive atmosphere with my year group where all students feel valued and understand our shared responsibility for developing their academic, emotional and social skills so they can fulfil their potential and go on to be successful young adults.

Our Catholic ethos and school values are at the heart of everything we do and I expect Year 7 to embody our values through their actions. I very much look forward to sharing the successes of Year 7 both in and outside of the classroom, and I hope your child will take advantage of the many opportunities available here at St James'.​

We will be supported by our Transition Mentor, Mrs Faucher who is committed to ensure that pupils settle and thrive at St James'

Ms Alleyne

Head of Year 7



Year 8


Welcome to Year 8, It is a privilege to be the Head of Year for this talented year group. 

This year group made a very encouraging start to their secondary education last year, developing their academic skills and getting to grips with the clear expectations the school has with regards to behaviour and conduct.

I am very much looking forward to working with each pupil individually and building a strong partnership with parents. I have no doubt that this will be another successful year.

Year 8 is an exciting and important moment in our pupils' lives. No longer the newest members of the school, this year is the point when pupils begin to really focus on their academic studies, consider what their strengths and interests are, and utilise this information to plan further ahead. Pupils will be encouraged to seek support and be held accountable for their own learning, with the guidance of the team of Year 8 form tutors, Mr Dyer and myself. 

We expect Year 8 to continue with the focused and outstanding behaviour that they demonstrated in their first year. We aim for pupils to have excellent attainment through our teaching, intervention & mentoring programmes and to help them further develop their gifts and talents through our extra-curricular activities. 

Pupils will be encouraged to do their very best to achieve and make the most of their time in the school. We will be walking step-by-step with each pupil to ensure they are on track and plan to engage with parents regularly to ensure this happens. 

I am supported by our form tutors who are on hand to discuss any queries you may have, but if you would like to contact me directly, please click my name below.

Mr Edmondson

Head of Year 8


Year 8 Parent Forum Presentation



Year 9

Welcome to Year 9, 

The pastoral provision your child will receive during this year is supported by the same team as Year 8. This means that Mr Haffner as the Head of Year, Mr Dyer as the Assistant Headteacher linked to the year group and Mrs McGovern as behaviour mentor are both aware of the needs of the year group as a whole but also of the individual children in the year group. We look forward to continuing working with this amazing group of pupils to carry on with pursuing excellent behaviour couple with positive friendships and communication. 

We look forward to supporting your child to thrive academically this year and beyond through parental engagement and working with pupils to be ready, respectful and safe. Following this mantra will set all pupils in the Year 9 for a fulfilling year ahead.

Towards the end of this year, pupils will be making their option choices for their GCSE courses. Our team of form tutors and I will be on hand to support them along the way and ensure that they have every opportunity to fulfil their full potential in the years to come.


Mr Haffner

Head of Year 9



year 9 parent forum presentation

Year 10

Welcome to Year 10!

My name is Miss Agolli, and I will be leading this confident year group during this academic year.

This is an exciting year as pupils enter the second year of their GCSE courses and make plans to undertake work experience at the end of the year. Last year, pupils  built firm foundations on their selected courses and this year they will build on those foundations to help ensure that they fulfill their potential.

Our focus on attainment has not changed and we expect each pupil to be engaged in their learning and work to the very best of their abilities. We encourage each pupil to seek support as early as possible and to be accountable for their own learning, but we will always endeavour to be around to motivate, help and intervene where necessary. 

Our pupils should continue to make the most of the extra-curricular opportunities available to them and I look forward to sharing in the success of our pupils both academically and more widely.

I am supported by our dedicated form tutors, who are on hand to discuss any queries you may have regarding pupill in their form.

To e-mail me, simply click on my name below.

Mr Linale

Head of Year 10



Year 11

Dear Year 11

I am delighted to continue as your Head of Year during this important time of your academic career. 

I want you all to be assured that, despite interruptions to your education caused by the pandemic,  the school will continue to ensure that you are in the best position possible to succeed in your exams and have a hugely positive future ahead of you.

All I ask is that you take the challenges that this year will present head on, recall all the lessons and messages from last year and work with us as you reach the end of this key stage. 

If you are prepared to put the work in, then absolutely anything is possible but remember that success is not handed on a plate, it requires commitment and dedication, but know that I will be here to support you to achieve your full potential.

I look forward to a really positive year ahead with plenty of opportunities for praise, exceeding expectations and making the most of your time, as this year will go very quickly.

To contact me by e-mail please click on my name below.

Mr Knibb

Head of Year 11


YEAR 11 Information Evening Presentation