Transition to Secondary Education

Welcome to St. James' Catholic High School! We are delighted to have you join us for this exciting transition from primary school to secondary school.

We understand that this period can stir up a range of emotions for many of you. It's perfectly normal to feel a mix of excitement for the new opportunities and experiences ahead, as well as some nervousness or uncertainty. Please know that we are here to support you every step of the way.

Our commitment lies in ensuring that students entering Year 7 have a seamless transition into secondary school and are well-prepared for the next phase of their education.

In the upcoming summer term, we have planned a Transition Day on Thursday, July 4, 2024. This day offers a fantastic opportunity for your son or daughter to spend time at St. James' School. They will engage in team-building activities, meet their form tutor and other essential members of the transition team, have the chance to connect with peers in their year group, and familiarise themselves with the school environment.

Additionally, we will host a Parents/Guardians' session in St. James' Hall on June 26, 2024, for all incoming parents and carers. This session will provide you with the opportunity to meet key members of the senior team and the Head of Year 7.

During the summer holidays, we host a summer school (19-23 August 2024) where your child will receive an invitation to attend for either one day or the full five days, particularly if they are identified as students who would benefit from additional support. This day is crucial for facilitating a smooth transition for your child from primary to secondary school, and we sincerely hope that you will take the necessary steps to ensure their attendance.

The program offers creatively designed sessions, led by teachers, to help students develop essential skills required for successful learning in subjects such as Maths, English, and Learning skills, as well as orienteering to help them become familiar with the school layout and routines. This experience also serves to alleviate any anxieties your child may have by allowing them to spend time in the school environment and meet other students who will be in their year group.

Additionally, we provide transition learning materials in Core Subjects, History, and Art. This booklet provides students with an opportunity to preview Key Stage 3 learning and offers teachers valuable insights into the students’ work prior to their arrival in September.

At St. James’, we highly value our partnerships, particularly those with parents/carers and our primary school partners, to ensure that we provide the best possible start for our new cohort of students at secondary school. Parents are invited to a 'settling in' evening during the first half term of the new academic year, where they receive an update on their child's transition and where any concerns can be addressed early on.

Furthermore, Year 7 pupils benefit from the ongoing support of Ms. McKenzie, a dedicated Transition Mentor for Year 7.

Ms Alleyne 

NPQSL - Associate Assistant Headteacher for Transition